Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Welcome back!

Sooo...once that darn Henry was born, posting here disappeared.  To be honest, it was just so much easier to post on Facebook and Google+.  But now, I'm going to try and use FB less and less and just use Google+ to share these posts.  Facebook is fun and I love catching up with friends and family there, but it's made me lose my writing.  It's so easy to just jot down a few words and post a picture, but I want to start actually writing again.  

Of course, HERE, it might mostly just be pictures because, let's face it, Henry in pictures is so much better than in the written word.  But I'm hoping to fill up Leaning Shanty with my writing, so make sure to check in with me

For today, I post some cute Henry pics...  And I'm actually hoping to carve out some time to back-post photos from the past some point...don't hold me to it.  ;)

Oh, did I forget to mention it's Henry 11th month bday? :) Happy 11 Months, Henry!!  Mama & Daddy Love You!!

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