Thursday, November 1, 2012

24 Weeks & Halloween!

I hit 24 weeks right around Halloween.

Best part of Halloween was getting to wear my skeleton baby t-shirt!  Most people either thought it was hilarious or creepy.  I love it and just wish I could wear it again...only getting to wear it for one whole day was such a shame.

The other FANTASTIC thing about Halloween was when my dear friend Kellie Binney-Smart dressed up as a pregnant Mrs. LT.  Hilarious!!  I think she was the hit of the day!  She nailed what I would wear.  I was pretty impressed.  :)

The Kinder ladies dressed up as characters from The Wizard of Oz...I was Scarecrow.  Hopefully, I'll have a picture of the group of us soon to post.  We are the most coordinated & well dressed  group every year, if I do say so myself.  :)


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